Static Control has promoted two key executives into vice president positions in North America. Josh Braendle will serve as the Vice President of Business Development and Scott Conlon will be Vice President of US Sales.
Braendle has more than 15 years of experience in the imaging aftermarket prior to returning to Static Control six years ago. He has held numerous sales leadership positions at LaserCycle USA, Richmont Holdings, Nukote and MSE.
“Josh is a born leader and will thrive in this role,” said Bryan Bonacum, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “His ability to connect with customers and understand their business needs will help us grow sales in the important dealer channel. His leadership skills will help push our business development team to the next level of success.”

Conlon has been with Static Control for more than 12 years and was previously the sales manager for the corporate sales team. Under his leadership, the group increased sales and focused initiatives to bring aboard new clients. Conlon also played a key role in launching the cartridge line of business while continuing to support remanufacturer customers.
“Scott has helped transform Static Control’s business into a customer-centric sales team willing to do whatever it takes to meet the needs of our customers,” said Bonacum. “His management skills will help the team to stay motivated and service our customers at the highest level in the market. His ability to progress projects, solve issues and steer the team will help us continue to grow.”